• The Civil War… 150 years ago… January 11, 1862…

    Updated: 2012-01-31 22:23:15
    Today we look back on the Civil War as reported within the newspapers held by those living during the Civil War… 150 years ago to-date (of this post). While many of the issues shown below are no longer available for sale, reading a snap-shot of what was printed for the given day will hopefully provide [...]

  • The Traveler… wanted for murder… new regulations established…

    Updated: 2012-01-31 22:23:15
    Today I journeyed to The Post Boy dated January 24, 1712 where I found there was a “wanted” man. The back page of this singlesheet newspaper was clearing the air on the false reports of the escape of Mr. Mackartney to Holland, “for he has never been on that side of the Water since the [...]

  • The prisoner left with them…

    Updated: 2012-01-31 22:23:15
    An interesting legal case reported in the “Harper’s Weekly” issue of May 7, 1859:

  • The Civil War… 150 years ago… January 25, 1862…

    Updated: 2012-01-31 22:23:15
    Today we continue our look back on the Civil War as reported within the newspapers held by those living during the Civil War… 150 years ago to-date (of this post). While many of the issues shown below are no longer available for sale, reading a snap-shot of what was printed for the given day will [...]

  • John Wilkes Booth appears at Ford’s Theater, in 1863…

    Updated: 2012-01-31 22:23:15
    The November 4, 1863 issue of the “Daily National Intelligencer” contains a curious and ironic bit of reporting, page 2 containing a lengthy report on the appearance of the distinguished son of Junius Brutus Booth–John Wilkes–at the new Ford’s Theatre in Washington. The next column contains an innocuous letter signed in type by the President: [...]

  • The Traveler… seeking Governor Wilson… the cats meow…

    Updated: 2012-01-31 22:23:15
    Today I traveled to January 9, 1912.  While reading The Christian Science Monitor, Boston, Massachusetts I discovered that not unlike many in 2012,  scores of citizens were also looking for the right man to run in opposition of the President in the upcoming presidential election. The headline read “Democrats Turn To Gov. Wilson As Man [...]

  • A suggestion by young men…

    Updated: 2012-01-31 22:23:15
    The following items from the March 21, 1874 issue of “Harper’s Weekly” is self-explanatory:

  • “Snake oil” advertisements…

    Updated: 2012-01-31 22:23:15
    Various patent medicine advertisements were all the rage in the late 19th century, and it seems they were more prevalent in Western rather than Eastern newspapers. This one (below) appears in the July 7, 1880 issue of “The Deseret News” from Salt Lake City:

  • The Progressive Movement in Context

    Updated: 2012-01-28 20:08:13
    The Progressive Movement was the reform movement that ran, generally, from 1890-1920, during which social reformers made up mainly of the middle class intellectuals who sought to address the issues of industrialization that were literally transforming America into an economic super-power. These issues were new and some not expected and, in general, fall under social, [...]

  • Hello and More History Coming Soon

    Updated: 2012-01-28 20:05:17
    Blog4History will continue with history posts from guest authors and Joe Hunkins, the new administrator for this great history blog. Joe also writes about travel and history at blog.U-S-History.com and TravelandHistory.com. You can reach him at jhunkins@gmail.com or @JoeDuck. Please stay tuned for more history, and if you are interested in writing a guest post [...]

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